I wrote this poem in memory of my dad

Our Journey

My Dad held my hand on the train, 

And called out my name,

And as We waited for our destination 

We held a conversation:

He said, “Always work hard”

And “Follow your Heart”

“Be confident” and “Be strong”

And most importantly “Always get along”

“Life is short” he remarked 

And told me it had come his turn to depart

Goodbye he said 

“Always look ahead” and “have no regret”

With those final words he departed and left

Whilst my journey continued on to progress

By Omar Saleem


Why I Became A Photographer

Today’s modern world has given people a taste of photography by putting a camera in their pockets.  Social networking has allowed them to share images instantly with friends and relatives.  This change in society has embedded photography into our lives like never before.

“I didn’t choose photography.  Photography chose me.” - Gerardo Suter

I have always found it difficult to express myself through words.  Through photography my images become a stage through which the art and vision held deep within is expressed creatively.

Often photographs can express powerful emotions and messages, in ways, which is not possible with words.  These images become our inspirations and motivations.  It allows us to see beauty in the little things and sometimes that is what matters most in life.

New Business Cards!


Love my new Logo!  It has a lot of hidden details within it and special things making it very personal.


My photographs go up for Exhibition at the West Bromwich Town Hall

Disney Princesses

Re-imaged with a Eastern Influence By Omar Saleem

"Fairy tales allow children to be immersed in a world which develops their imagination and creative thinking. The imagination of a child becomes the foundation and backbone for the future, whether their creativity is channelled into becoming a scientist, artist, inventor or photographer.

Within this body of work Omar Saleem has investigated the western perceptions of Disney Princesses and re-imagined the fairy tale characters with a South Asian or eastern influence.

By taking inspirations from elements such as traditional Asian clothing and temporary body art created using henna, Saleem has expanded on the range of ethnic ideas, allowing the transcendence of racial backgrounds and boundaries.

Saleem has used the migration of ideas and visual imagery into a valuing diversity. The viewer is compelled to see, rethink and interpret their perception."

Silent Echoes

When will you see the silence?

When will you hear the emptiness?

Like the grains of despair,

Like the absence of laughter,

They reach out to touch tomorrow,

They forget the taste of today,

Like the desperation of hope,

Like the sorrow of time,

Can you see the stories?

Can you hear the memories?

Like an echo in the water,

Like the shadows in the sun,

My eyes feel unrest

My heart tastes tears,

Like the embrace of defeat,

Like the fate of separation,

By Omar Saleem


I am a photographer and writer.  This is my new place on the www to showcase some of my work.  Hello world!
